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Corona Virus Information

BJP Home Support is following the government guidance and Public Health England to support planning and preparation for the event of an outbreak or widespread transmission of COVID-19

A lot of clients who are supported by BJP Home Support are in the high-risk category should they contract the Corona Virus.

Our main priority is to keep the clients and staff safe and well.

Support calls will continue to operate with the exception of social calls where clients are now discouraged from going out into the community. This is following government guidelines for vulnerable people to stay at home. Our staff can continue to visit a client’s home for the social activity or access the community on their behalf for shopping.

With a view to minimise the risks of transmission and focus on prevention, for all visits, hand washing will be carried out on arrival, before and after interventions and before leaving the home.  Gloves and aprons will be used at all times to minimise infection.

Any family or friends who visit a client’s home, should follow the hand washing guidelines.

We would also recommend that clients only attend urgent appointments and decline from any social gatherings.

If a case of suspected Coronavirus in a client then the risk of transmission should be minimised through safe working procedures and the use of personal protective equipment.

Contact will then be made with NHS OR 111 and follow guidance

Please contact the Manager if you suspect this to be the case.

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