Standards, Ratings & Reviews
We are immensely proud to be the only independent home care company in Redcar & Cleveland, Middlesbrough & North Yorkshire to achieve an OUTSTANDING rating by our regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
We believe that this is due to our wealth of experience, high quality staff training programme, our professional attitude and most importantly fantastic personal care assistants, who really make a difference.
CQC monitor and inspect services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety including person-centred care, dignity and respect, safety and safeguarding.
You can read the full report from our latest inspection by clicking on "see the report". We are very proud of the result of this inspection and have summaries some key findings below
What CQC said about us...
"People's care records helped them get the support they needed because it was easy for staff to access and keep high quality clinical and care records. Staff kept accurate, complete, legible and up-to-date records."
"Staff knew people's needs well and ensured that any changes in a person's condition were noted and discussed with the healthcare professionals and the registered manager, as well as keeping families informed."
"Staff were recruited safely. A range of pre-employment checks were carried out to ensure only suitable staff were employed. These included DBS checks (Disclosure and Barring services), obtaining references and checking employment histories."
"People were supported by staff who had received relevant and good quality training. The provider offered a good training programme, which ensured that learning was tailored to individuals' needs."
"Care plans were person centred. They reflected a good understanding of people's needs, including relevant assessments of people's communication support and sensory needs. Easy read health action plans were available for people
"We saw people consistently received person centred care. This meant the service put people at the centre of all decisions whilst working alongside other professionals to achieve the best possible outcome"
"Visiting professionals also spoke highly of the service. One professional wrote to us and said, "BJP work closely with family to ensure that a package of care meets their needs, often tailoring the package of care in great detail"."
"Staff told us how supported and happy they were. One staff member told us, "I absolutely love my job, it's very rewarding. The company are great to work for." Another staff member said, "I really like working for the company, I feel appreciated. I have put friends forward to work for the company because they're that good.""
"Staff developed exceptionally positive and caring relationships with people and their families. Staff were very motivated and demonstrated a commitment to providing the best quality care to people in a compassionate way. People told us their privacy and dignity was maintained at all times"
"External professionals spoke positively about the registered manager and told us how they worked in partnership to achieve good outcomes for people. One professional said, "The management are very approachable and willing to work to resolve any issues identified. They are vocal and will always raise concerns which they feel need to be addressed. Overall, the care delivered is generally really good, and the business appears to be well organised.""
Investors in People
Since 1991 Investors in People has set the standard for better people management. Internationally recognised accreditation is held by 14,000 organisations across the world. The Standard defines what it takes to lead, support and manage people well for sustainable results.
Based on 25 years of leading practice, the Investors in People Standard is underpinned by a rigorous assessment methodology and a framework which reflects the very latest workplace trends, essential skills and effective structures required to outperform in any industry.
BJP Home Support has held the award since 2015 and was re-awarded in 2018.

ISO 9001
ISO 9001:2008 is an internationally recognised award provided by CQS (Certified Quality Systems) which is recognised worldwide. This certification is viewed as a proactive and positive move by existing and prospective clients/customers. It is a statement about an organisation, its commitment towards quality and the importance you place on ensuring the service you provide to your customers is of the highest standard meeting your customers needs.
BJP Home Support has achieved an ISO 9001: 2008 in Quality of Management Systems.

The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS)
CHAS is a visible and credible leader in Health and Safety management. They help businesses and organisations manage their Health and Safety risks and safeguard their reputation.
With 720 buyer members, over 62,000 suppliers on its database and 130 freelance assessors, CHAS is not only the largest but also the fastest growing health and safety assessment scheme in the UK.
BJP Home Support has been part of this scheme since October 2015 and was re-assessed in September 2018.